Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Our Home-Grown Rubric

Introducing our new HCC Online Course Design Rubric & Guidelines, which was developed by a group of thoughtful and experienced online instructors. 

Karin Moyano-Camihort, Dean of Online Learning and Academic Initiatives, seeing the need for quality standards for our online courses and understanding that they needed to come from faculty, charged the group with developing the rubric and a process for implementing it's use. The group of faculty worked in pairs to develop drafts of the different areas and then challenged each other to see applications and implications beyond their own disciplines. After several fruitful discussions, the rubric was born! 

It's intended to be used for the following purposes:

The rubric is not intended to be a tool to evaluate instructors or teaching as part of the contracted evaluation process of courses.

Working with this group was one of the highlights of my year.

Thank you to:

Beth Butin, Forensic Science
Jane Burkhardt, English
Garret Cahill, Math
Karen Hines, Business
Tricia Kiefer - Education
Eileen Kelley - ESL
Mónica Torregrosa - Spanish

Online course design rubric

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